⚖️Kratom Regulation in California: Amendments Needed!
⚖️Kratom Regulation in California: Amendments Needed!
via The American Kratom Association:
“California now has a kratom regulation bill that the AKA legislative team knows will hurt kratom consumers as it is currently written. The AKA has given the California Senate proposed amendments to fix the bill (full version can be found here.)
We’re asking you to contact the California Senate and ask that they adopt these amendments and not over regulate kratom like California has often done with other products.
Please go to the California Protect Kratom page to help!
“The AKA writes to express its opposition to AB 2365 as it is currently drafted. While there have been improvements in the bill from its originally filed version, in its current form we believe this legislation will impose debilitating regulatory burdens on small retail and manufacturing businesses in California that will stifle innovation and interfere with the freedoms of consumers to make informed choices on the kratom products they choose for their health and well-being.
Most important, in its current form, AB 2365 will limit consumer choices on otherwise safe kratom products.”
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