⚖️ State Ban Bill Resurfaces in Louisiana (AKA)

⚖️ State Ban Bill Resurfaces in Louisiana (AKA)

via The American Kratom Association:

“Even after months of work and pronouncements from lawmakers about favoring consumer protection regulations over criminalization, Louisiana’s Senate reversed course yesterday and passed a kratom criminalization bill. The Sheriff Associations are entrenched against kratom and hold an inordinate amount of power over legislators.

The AKA Legislative team is working in the House to stop passage of the ban bill there, but there’s still a lot of uncertainty.

So to get you the latest we’re holding an emergency advocacy webinar Wednesday night at 7:30 PM ET to ensure you’re updated on the latest in Louisiana, as well as on the status of the Kratom Consumer Protection Acts in Florida, Michigan, Pennsylvania, New York, and many other states.”


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