AKA: π Contact Virginia Senate & House Officials to Pass KCPA
Just in from the American Kratom Association:
“We have a simple request to help make a big difference.
Virginia Senate and House Committee members are considering the Virginia Kratom Consumer Protection Act this week. We need you to go to the link below, add your brief story to the email forms, and then send!
There are two forms: one for the Senate members and one for the House, but you can use the same personal story in both. This will make a huge difference! Also, please share this link with anyone you know in Virginia, and share on social media so others can act! Share: Protectkratom.org/virginia
Virginia residents are strongly encouraged to also call representatives and ask them to support the bill!”
Email and Call Virginia Senators
Adam Ebbin, Chair district30@senate.virginia.gov 804 698-7530
Frank Ruff district15@senate.virginia.gov 804 698-7515 (Frank is our bill sponsor – emails should thank him for putting in the bill)
Mamie Locke district02@senate.virginia.gov 804 698-7502
George Barker district39@senate.virginia.gov 804 698-7539
Jill Vogel district27@senate.virginia.gov 804 698-7527
Bryce Reeves district17@senate.virginia.gov 804 698-7517
Jeremy McPike district29@senate.virginia.gov 804 698-7529
Siobhan Dunnavant district12@senate.virginia.gov 804 698-7512 (Siobhan is a chief co-sponsor of the bill – emails should thank her for sponsoring the bill)
Monty Mason district01@senate.virginia.gov 804 698-7501
Jennifer Boysko district33@senate.virginia.gov 804 698-7533
Richard Stuart district28@senate.virginia.gov 804 698-7528
Todd Pillion district40@senate.virginia.gov 804 698-7540
John Bell district13@senate.virginia.gov 804 698-7513
Ghazala Hashmi district10@senate.virginia.gov 804 698-7510
Email and Call Virginia House Delegates
Jay Leftwich, Chair deljleftwich@house.virginia.gov 804 698-1078
Tommy Wright deltwright@house.virginia.gov 804 698-1061
Barry Knight delbknight@house.virginia.gov 804 698-1081
Roxann Robinson delrrobinson@house.virginia.gov 804 698-1027
Will Morefield delwmorefield@house.virginia.gov 804 698-1003
Buddy Fowler delbfowler@house.virginia.gov 804 698-1055 (Buddy is our bill sponsor – emails should thank him for putting in the bill)
Emily Brewer delebrewer@house.virginia.gov 804 698-1064
Will Wampler delwwampler@house.virginia.gov 804 698-1004
Jeff Campbell deljcampbell@house.virginia.gov 804 698-1006
Wendell Walker delwwalker@house.virginia.gov 804 698-1023
Chris Runion delcrunion@house.virginia.gov 804 698-1025
Carrie Coyner delccoyner@house.virginia.gov 804 698-1062
David Bulova deldbulova@house.virginia.gov 804 698-1037
Betsy Carr delbcarr@house.virginia.gov 804 698-1069
Luke Torian delltorian@house.virginia.gov 804 698-1052
Kathleen Murphy delkmurphy@house.virginia.gov 804 698-1034
Cia Price delcprice@house.virginia.gov 804 698-1095
Paul Krizek delpkrizek@house.virginia.gov 804 698-1044
Dawn Adams deldadams@house.virginia.gov 804 698-1068
Schuler VanValkenburg delsvanvalkenburg@house.virginia.gov 804 698-1072
Danica Roem deldroem@house.virginia.gov 804 698-1013
Clint Jenkins delcjenkins@house.virginia.gov 804 698-
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