How to Reset & Reduce Kratom Tolerance

How to Reset & Reduce Kratom Tolerance

Below are some details regarding the following herbs that have successfully reduced and/or reset kratom tolerance for those ‘in the know’ for many years.. Please be aware that it may not work for everyone if it's not done exactly how it's laid out below. 

All of these kratom tolerance resetting herbs (& more) are available here: 

This is an effective 'weekly' kratom tolerance flush to get the most out of your green veins, red veins, yellow veins and white veined kratom strains.

Ashwagandha + Rhodiola: this helps reset or drastically reduce tolerance to kratom in around 24 hrs (as long as you stick to the rules below).

  1. Use no less than 0.60 gm to 0.75 gm of Ashwaghandha extract and make a note of the time (it will be around this time 24 hours later that it's work has been completed).

    1. It’s best to take the Ashwagandha at around 5 pm in order to sleep off most of the effects.

  2. During the next 24 hrs, stay away from using any red or green kratom or at most, use no more than 3-4 times per day - 3 gm or less at a time (the less used the better the cleanse works). A good trick is to use only white veins during this period as it does not conflict with the reset as greens and reds do (which wastes the entire effort).

    1. Ashwagandha reduces the effects of greens/reds as well, while in your system - which is another reason to wait the full 24 hrs (if making the effort effective isn’t already reason enough).

  3. After 5 - 8 hours into the Ashwagandha cleanse, use circa 0.50 gm of Rhodiola extract. This will super-charge the cleansing effect of the Ashwagandha, it's an important part of the process.

    1. It’s best to take the Rhodiola in the morning after taking the Ashwagandha.The Rhodiola itself takes circa 8 hrs to perform it's cleansing business. During this time, greens and reds will not work or be diminished by 70% or more (yet another reason to not use them during the full 24 hrs).

    2. Rhodiola is actually a bit stimulating so it's best not to take it too late at night if you're sensitive to stimulants. 

Sometimes the 24 hrs cleanse is closer to 36 hrs, depending on body chemistry (I don't know why exactly but I've only experienced this about 15% of the time).

These are both 'adaptogenic' herbs so they reset your system and reduce stress - you may be a bit tired during the process, but it's worth a speedy tolerance cleanse that lasts for days or longer, usually. 

Chinese Cat's Claw:

  • This is an herb that also helps reduce tolerance, you can take it with the Ashwagandha /Rhodiola bundle as stated above - weekly or bi-monthly or 'as needed'.

  • The amount to use is between 0.25 gm to 0.50 gm per session.

As usual, if you have any health issues that may be exacerbated by consuming herbs - it's best to look into the side effects of these herbs prior to using and not mixing them with prescription meds unless you know it's a safe combo (research it).

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